<- make_graph(~ Esmeralda-+River-+Brook++Esmeralda)
socnet plot(socnet, layout = layout_in_circle(socnet), edge.curved=0.4, vertex.size = 90)
Computational Social Science for Sustainability
Sustainability will only be achieved if people and institutions behave sustainably. This course teaches techniques for predicting the spread of sustainable behaviors, in human social networks. Sustainability, and other pressing issues, needs a rigorous theory of how sustainable behavior spreads. This is apparent since there has been scant real progress towards limiting biodiversity loss, inequality, global warming, and other sustainability targets such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This suggests people, institutions, or organizations continue to behave unsustainably, and begs the question: what will it take to get sustainable behaviors to become widely practiced in different societies? Behaviors are transmitted from person to person through social learning, be it through instruction or observation. Who learns from or observes whom is structured based on who we know, who we live near, who we work with, or whose messages we read on the internet.
In this course we want to build on progress towards an empirically-motivated system for decisionmaking when promoting sustainable behavior, like Elinor Ostrom’s socio-ecological systems framework (Ostrom1990?) that identified the following design principles. These principles are written below as re-formulated by Cox, Arnold, and Tomás (2010) who evaluated their effectiveness after two more decades of use:
- Well-defined boundaries
- Congruence between appropriation and provision rules and local conditions
- Fair, flexible collective-choice arrangements
- Monitoring and monitors must be reliable and inclusive of local communities
- Graduated sanctions: penalties for non-compliance with sustainable practices should start small and increase with further non-compliance
- Access to responsive, low-cost conflict-resolution mechanisms
- Minimum recognition of rights of all stakeholders to recognize local ownership of local common-pool resources
- Successful common-pool resource management requires nested institutions so those lower in the hierarchy can achieve power parity with those higher by having greater numbers of decision-makers in those foundational decision making groups
These design principles were inferred and developed by reviewing numerous policy and economic interventions to promote sustainable use of common-pool resources in specific socio-economic systems, both before 1990 and up to 2010 with the update from Cox, Arnold, and Tomás (2010). Among other notable achievements, the design principles helped elevate indigenous and traditional sustainable ecosystem management practices (Nalau et al. 2018), and community-led adaptation more generally (McNamara et al. 2020). For example, vibrant coastal mangrove forests have long been known to support fish populations and protect against storm surges (Pearson, McNamara, and Nunn 2020). To complement these design principles, and other lessons from sustainability practitioners, we want to develop simplified mechanistic models of human sustainability behavior change to identify rigorous principles of information transmission, cooperation, and political organization.
Diffusion of adaptations
Adaptations diffuse through communication or observation from person to person when two things happen. First, a person not doing some adaptive behavior (driving an electric vehicle, using heat pumps in their home for heating and cooling, switching to no-till farming methods, etc.) encounters someone who knows or does an adaptive behavior. Second, the person not doing the adaptive behavior must successfully acquire the knowledge and desire necessary to start doing the behavior themselves. In this section we introduce four models of this process.
The first two assume that an adaptive behavior is randomly adopted by someone performing a legacy behavior with probability \(\alpha\), the adoption rate. One of these assumes that anyone doing the adaptive behavior will continue doing it forever, the Legacy-Adaptive model (Figure Figure 9). The next adds one more assumption, that people can stop doing a behavior, i.e., they can randomly _drop_the behavior, which happens for anyone doing \(A\) with probability \(\delta\) (Figure Figure 10).
The second two assume that learning is partly probabilistic and partly adaptive, where individuals can do some computation about who or what behavior may be best to learn. These are social learning models of transmission. The first of these is a conformist-biased learning model, where individuals are assumed to be more likely to learn a behavior if more people are doing it. The second is a success-biased learning model, where individuals are more likely to learn from individuals if an individual is doing relatively well compared to other neighbors. Success-biased learning is the only one of these where the benefit of doing a behavior matters, since there must be a way to acquire “payoffs”, which is a modeling term of art representing amount of benefit, usually in unspecified units.
LA and LAL compartmental “contagion” models
Contagion models like the LA and LAL models assume that when individuals encounter one another there is some probability that some individual-level attribute, in this case whether the individual \(i\) does \(A\). These models require relatively few parameters and variables, but ignore adaptive strategies people use for acquiring new information (Table 1).
Namely, these model contain two dynamic outcome variables \(L_t\) and \(A_t\) if time is discrete (\(L(T)\) and \(A(t)\) if time is continuous; see ?@nte-continuous-LA) the number of individuals performing \(L\) and the number performing \(A\). These outcomes are dynamic, so \(t\) represents time, which is discrete in our main treatment of these models, meaning that points in time can be indexed by integers, i.e., time steps are indexed by \(t_i\) where \(i \in \{1, 2, 3,\ldots\}\), e.g., \(t \in \{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, \ldots\}\) could be discrete time steps for a model with \(t\) in months meant to represent some process for which we have data every three months. If time is continuous then \(t\in[0,\infty)\). Although time can continue on to infinity, we usually specify that models will stop at some time step or when some condition is met. One of the most important conditions is whether the population has fixated, meaning all agents do the same behavior. Finally, there are two parameters that determine the probability that individuals change their behavioral state (from doing \(L\) to doing \(A\) or vice-versa). In both the LA and LAL models, the probability \(A\) is adopted when an \(L\) meets an \(A\) is the adoption rate, \(\alpha\). In the LAL model, at every time step, every agent doing \(A\) might drop the behavior, i.e., stop doing the behavior, reverting to do \(L\) for the next time step. The probability one doing \(A\) reverts to \(L\) is \(\delta\), the drop rate. So, the LA and LAL models are in fact the same model where we can set \(\delta = 0\) to recover the LA model from the LAL model.
Symbol | Description | Values |
\(L,L_t,L(t)\) | Number of individuals doing Legacy behavior at time \(t\); like \(A\) serves as a noun for the behavior itself. | \(L_t \in \{0,\ldots,N\}\); \(L(t) \in [0, \infty)\) |
\(A,A_t,A(t)\) | Number of individuals doing Adaptive behavior at time \(t\), but used interchangeably for the behavior itself, e.g., “an individual doing \(A\)”. | \(A_t \in \{0,\ldots,N\}\), \(A(t) \in [0, \infty)\) |
\(t\) | Time, which could be discrete or continuous. We write \(A\) and \(L\) as a function of time, i.e., \(A_t\) if \(t\) is discrete or \(A(t)\) if continuous | \(\{0,1,\ldots\}\) or \([0,\infty)\) |
\(\alpha\) | Adoption rate, i.e., the probability that an individual doing \(L\) adopts \(A\) if their interaction partner is doing \(A\). | \([0, 1]\) |
\(\delta\) | Drop rate, i.e., the probability that an individual doing \(A\) stops doing \(A\) at time \(t\) | \([0, 1]\) |
\(T\) | Fixation or stopping time. If the modeler specifies the model should stop when all individuals perform the same behavior, it is the fixation time. If the modeler specifies a certain number of steps for the model or there is some condition that causes the model to stop before fixation, it is the stopping time. | \(\{0,1,\ldots\}\) or \([0,\infty)\) |
Legacy-Adaptive (LA) model
In class we derived the recursion for the legacy-adaptive model: \[ A_{t+1} = A_{t} + \alpha A_t\left(1 - \frac{A_t}{N}\right). \] Once an individual adopts the adaptive behavior in this model, they continue doing that behavior forever (Figure 9). Below we show how to write a function to implement this recursion to calculate a time series and compare the results for two different adoption rates, \(\alpha\).

<- function(N, A0, alpha, tmax) {
la_recursion <- numeric(N+1) # Create output time series vector.
A_return # Set current A_t to be A_0
<- A0
At 1] <- At
A_return[# Iterate
for (t in 1:tmax) {
# Anext is code for A_{t+1}
<- At + (alpha * At * (1 - (At/N)))
Anext +1] <- Anext
A_return[t<- Anext
}return (A_return)
<- 100
N <- 5
A0 <- 0.05
alpha_low <- 200
tmax <- 0:tmax
tvec <- la_recursion(N, A0, alpha_low, tmax)
<- 0.8
alpha_high <- la_recursion(N, A0, alpha_high, tmax)
<- tibble(timestep = rep(tvec, 2),
adopt_tbl alpha =
as_factor(c(rep(alpha_low, length(tvec)),
rep(alpha_high, length(tvec)))),
A = c(Avec_low_alpha, Avec_high_alpha))
ggplot(adopt_tbl, aes(x=timestep, y=A, color=alpha)) +
geom_line() + theme_classic()
Discrete change in recursion, continuous (infinitesimal) change in differential equations
In the recursion LA model, the change in \(A\), \(\Delta A\) from time step \(t\) to time step \(t+1\) is \[ \Delta A = A_{t+1} - A_t = \alpha N \Pr(L,A) \tag{1}\] where \(\Pr(L,A) = \frac{L}{N}\frac{A}{N}\) is the probability an individual doing \(L\) and another doing \(A\) interact under the well-mixed assumption.
\(\cdot\quad\) The well-mixed assumption says that everyone in a population is equally likely to interact with one another. This means the probability of someone doing \(L\) encountering someone else doing \(A\) is the same for all people doing \(L\) (or vice-versa).
Plug this probability in to Equation 1 and cancel an \(N\) on top and bottom to get \[ \Delta A = \frac{\alpha}{N} L A = \alpha' L A, \tag{2}\] where \(\alpha' = \alpha / N\). Because we use \(t\) to label time steps and assumed that time steps are separated by \(\Delta t = 1\), we can multiply the right side of Equation 2 by 1 in the form of \(\Delta t\): \[ \Delta A = \alpha' LA \Delta t \tag{3}\]
\(\cdot\quad\)The general probability that a person doing behavior \(b\) interacts with a person doing \(b'\) (read “b prime”) \(\Pr(b,b')\), i.e. \(\Pr(L,A)\) for legacy-adaptive, \(\Pr(L, L)\) for legacy-legacy, etc.
Calculus, the foundation of differential equations, is the mathematics of rates of change, which was achieved through the following conceptual leap. In terms of our LA model, calculus works by assuming that \(\Delta t\) becomes “infinitesimally small”, written \(\Delta t \to 0\). Before \(\Delta t\) gets all the way to zero, we calculate \(\Delta A\) over this infinitesimally small \(\Delta t\). This infinitesimal \(\Delta t\) is written \(dt\), and the similarly infinitesimal \(\Delta A\) is written \(dA\). When \(\Delta \to 0\), then, we replace \(\Delta\) with \(d\) and Equation 3 becomes \[ dA = \alpha' L A dt \] which is more commonly written \[ \frac{dA}{dt} = \alpha' L A dt \tag{4}\] representing the flow in of people previously doing \(L\), with the coupled differential equation for \(L\) differing only in sign of the right hand side, representing the flow of people away from doing \(L\): \[ \frac{dL}{dt} = - \alpha' L A dt. \]
These equations can be solved by using the same substitution we used in the recursion to get a formula for \(A_{t+1}\) that depended only on \(A_t\), namely that \(L = N - A\), so Equation 4 becomes
\[ \frac{dA}{dt} = \alpha' A(N - A). \tag{5}\]
Calculus tells us that we can rearrange the differnetials like they were any other variable. What we want now is to arrange all \(A\) terms to one side of the equation, and all \(t\) terms to the other because this allows us to integrate the equation. We want to integrate the equation because this is the calculus procedure that converts rates of change of a variable to the accumulation of that variable. Rearranage Equation 5 to get
\[ \frac{dA}{A(N - A)} = \alpha' dt. \]
We integrate both sides of this equation, which is written
\[ \int \frac{dA}{A(N - A)} = \int \alpha' dt = \alpha't + C \tag{6}\]
where \(C\) called a constant of integration that must be determined by initial conditions for this problem, namely the value \(A(t=0)\) and we used the fact that \(\int a dx = ax + C\) where \(a\) is any constant and \(x\) is any dynamic variable. The integral on the left hand side can be integrated formally, i.e., without using a computer, but it’s significantly more complicated. After integrating the left hand side of Equation 6 it is still necessary to solve for \(A\) in terms of \(t\). See Note 1 for these details.
After all that math we obtain the logistic equation,
\[ A(t) = \frac{N}{1 + \frac{N}{A_0}e^{-\alpha N t}}, \tag{7}\]
where \(A_0 = A(t = 0)\) is the initial condition.
Britton (2003) explains in Ch. 3, p. 87, this is the same equation as single-species population dynamics in an ecosystem with a carrying capacity, \(K\). In this case, \(K = N\). See Britton Ch. 3 for even more detail on the family of compartmental susceptible-infected-recovered models that we have adapted for sustainable adaptations in the context of the field of mathematical biology.
Perform partial fraction decomposition on \(\frac{1}{A (N - A)}\): \[ \frac{1}{A (N - A)} = \frac{1}{N} \left( \frac{1}{A} + \frac{1}{N - A} \right). \]
Integrate both sides: \[ \int \frac{1}{N} \left( \frac{1}{A} + \frac{1}{N - A} \right) dA = \int \alpha \, dt. \]
This yields: \[ \frac{1}{N} \left( \ln|A| - \ln|N - A| \right) = \alpha t + C, \] where\(C\)is the integration constant.
Simplify: \[ \ln\left(\frac{A}{N - A}\right) = \alpha N t + C', \] where \(C' = N C\).
Exponentiate to solve for\(A\): \[ \frac{A}{N - A} = e^{\alpha N t + C'}. \]
Rearranging gives: \[ A = \frac{N}{1 + e^{-C' - \alpha N t}}. \]
Finally, rewrite \(e^{-C'}\) as a constant \(K\): \[ A = \frac{N}{1 + K e^{-\alpha N t}}, \tag{8}\]
where \(K\) depends on the initial conditions.
This is the solution for \(A(t)\), and \(L(t)\) can be recovered using \(L(t) = N - A(t)\).
To find \(K\) for some initial condition, set \(t=0\), call \(A_0 = A(t=0)\), and solve for \(K\). Note that when \(t=0\), the denominator in Equation Equation 8 becomes \(1 + K\) since \(e^0 = 1\). Then we have
\[ A(0) = \frac{N}{1 + K} \]
which we can multiply by \(1 + K\) on both sides and rearrange to get
\[ K = \frac{N}{A_0}. \]
Legacy-Adaptive-Legacy (LAL) model

When considering the total change in \(A,\) written \(\Delta A,\) following a discrete time step, \(\Delta t\), from time “now” to time “next”, i.e., from \(t\) to \(t+1\), we can drop the indices since all indices are \(t\), i.e.,
\[ \Delta A = \alpha A (1 - \frac{A}{N}) - \delta A. \tag{9}\]
In this model, two new things are possible that were not possible before. First, the adaptation may completely fail to spread. If more people end up dropping the behavior than adopting it early on, there will be no one doing \(A\) that someone doing \(L\) could copy. Second, in general, everyone will not eventually adopt \(A\), at least not all at once, unlike in the LA model. In the LAL model there is an equilibrium \(A\), \(\hat A\), that the system reaches with enough time.
Will the adaptation spread?
We want to know if the adaptation will diffuse throughout the population in the LA model given just the adoption rate \(\alpha\) and drop rate \(\delta\). Formally, the adaptation diffuses if \(\Delta A > 0\). We can approximate \(\Delta A\) just after its introduction to a population that is mostly doing the legacy behavior and obtain a useful heuristic value to tell use if it will diffuse. When the adaptive behavior is only just being introduced to a relatively large population, we we say that \(A << L,N\), and so \(1 - \frac{A}{N} \approx 0\), so that Equation 9 becomes
\[ \Delta A = \alpha A - \delta A > 0. \]
Dividing out \(A\), rearranging, and dividing by \(\delta\), we find that the adaptation diffuses if
\[ R_0 = \frac{\alpha}{\delta} > 1, \]
where \(R_0\) is a rather famous measure called the basic reproduction number in epidemiology that predicts whether a new disease will become endemic or not. For us it predicts whether a sustainable adaptation will diffuse and persist in a population.
If an adaptation persists, what will the long-term adoption level be?
To know how many people will perform the adaptive behavior after the diffusion of that behavior has stabilized, we need to calculate its equilibrium value. Assuming \(R_0 > 1\), the equilibrium number of adopters, \(\hat A\), is defined as the value of \(A\) for which \(\Delta A = 0\), i.e., when \(A\) remains constant over time:
\[ \Delta A = 0 = \alpha \hat A\left(1 - \frac{\hat A}{N}\right) - \delta \hat A. \]
This can be re-arranged to find that
\[ \frac{\hat A}{N} = 1 - \frac{\delta}{\alpha}. \]
See MSB pp. 96-97 for the steps and Figure 4.9 on p. 97 for a plot of \(\Delta A\) versus \(A\) that illustrates and explains how to find \(\hat A\) graphically (MSB uses the epidemiological framing, which means \(I\) replaces \(A\).
Agent-based modeling
Together, these define an agent-based model:
- Environmental and ecological factors, including the payoff from doing Legacy and Adaptive behaviors, which could change over time.
- The agents, which are simulated people in the case of human social science.
- Social processes:
- Partner selection
- Dyadic interaction
- Non-social, individual-level behavior change (e.g. in LAL agents drop the adaptation with probability \(\delta\))
These steps were implicitly present in the recursion and differential equation versions of the LA and LAL models, as reviewed in the Introduction in these notes. In agent-based models we explicitly define code functions that do each of these steps, if the model calls for it.
To do agent-based modeling, we will use code currently located in the socmod.R
file in the root directory of the ProblemSets project repository. This approach combines object-oriented programming, characterized by explicit representations of classes of entities that define attributes and capacities of the entities, with functional programming, characterized by providing functions as arguments to other functions for describing the processes that occur within and between agents and their environment.
We define an AgentBasedModel
class, which is a structured way to define and store information about agents and their social networks and different model parameters specified by the params
attribute of AgentBasedModel
Let’s initialize and run a simple toy AgentBasedModel
to see the different parts so they are more familiar when we use them to make the agent-based LA model in Problem Set 2. We will create agents who switch between Legacy and Adaptive behaviors randomly at each time step, initialized with half of the agents doing the adaptive behavior (and therefore half doing legacy).
With the model defined, we can now run the model. We must first define how partner selection and interaction work in functions called partner_selection
and interaction
. For this model there is no model_step
. We then pass these functions to the run
function, plus the desired number of time steps. Note that as arguments—we do not call the functions ourselves.
, therefore, is a higher-order function.# Define our fake model where nothing happens except agents
# randomly match up, but then just adopt either behavior randomly.
<- 10
N # Create a list of ten initial behaviors, five of each in random order.
behaviors sample(
c(rep("Legacy", as.integer(N/2)),
rep("Adaptive", as.integer(N/2)))
)# Create a new agent
<- purrr:::map(behaviors, \(b) { Agent$new(b) })
<- AgentBasedModel$new(agents = agents, network = regular_lattice(N, 4),
model switch_prob = 0.1)
# Define random partner selection from agent's neighbors.
<- function(agent, model) {
partner_selection return (sample(agent$neighbors, 1))
# Not really an "interaction" for this toy model, just random behavior adoption.
<- function(agent1, agent2, model) {
$prev_behavior <- agent1$curr_behavior
agent1if (runif(1) < model$params$switch_prob) {
<- sample(c("Legacy", "Adaptive"), 1)
b_new $curr_behavior <- b_new
# Run the model for 20 timesteps using partner selection and
# interaction defined above.
<- run(model, 20, partner_selection, interaction)$output
# Plot the result of one time step.
ggplot(out, aes(x=t, y=A)) + geom_line() + xlim(c(0, 20)) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(0, 20, by=2), limits=c(0, 20)) + theme_classic()
Scale for x is already present.
Adding another scale for x, which will replace the existing scale.
Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
I hypothesize that if switch_prob
is greater, the adoption curve will be more variable over time. To test this hypothesis, let’s create another time series, but with an even higher switch_prob
and compare the two. First, we’ll add a switch_prob
column to our output dataframe from before:
# Rename the output from before with a switch_prob of 0.1...
<- out
out_p1 # ...and add a `switch_prob` column as a factor since we'll use it to color our graphs later.
$switch_prob <- as.factor(model$params$switch_prob)
# Now create a new set of agents initialized with the same randomized behaviors.
<- as.vector(purrr::map(behaviors, \(b) Agent$new(b)))
# Use them to create a new model with a higher switch_prob.
<- AgentBasedModel$new(agents = agents,
model_p9 network = regular_lattice(N, 4),
switch_prob = 0.9)
# partner_selection and interaction work as before, and we still use the default model_step
<- run(model_p9, 20, partner_selection, interaction)$output
out_p9 # Add a `switch_prob` column to out_p9.
$switch_prob <- as.factor(0.9)
out_p9# And do the same after renaming the output for switch_prob = 0.1 from before:
<- out
out_p1 $switch_prob <- as.factor(model$params$switch_prob)
# Concatenate the two tibbles:
<- rbind(out_p1, out_p9)
ggplot(out_full, aes(x=t, y=A, color=switch_prob)) + geom_line() +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(0, 20, by=2), limits=c(0, 20)) + theme_classic()
Warning: Removed 4 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
Maybe it is more variable, but it is hard to tell from comparing just two outputs. We would need to do more processing of the outputs, perhaps coming up with a measure of variability to compare across different swtich_prob
settings. Furthermore we need more trials to reliably infer whether greater switch_prob
indeed results in greater variability in resulting time series.
Soon we will use the run_trials
function to run several trials for several parameter settings.